The Bengals did it. They used their brain and didn’t listen to the uneducated masses that were screaming quarterback. Instead we have secured further protection for our boy Andy Dalton. Smart move picking up Jonah Williams, the versatile offensive linemen who can play both guard and tackle.
He looked like a boss playing left tackle last year at Alabama and there is a lot about his game that screams Joe Thomas, a player he has stayed is idol. He is a little on the smaller size for the position but who’s to say he won’t be successfu on our roster. Once we figure out where to play him (tackle most likely) there’s little to indicate he won’t thrive and augment our QB protection.
Honestly we did need a linebacker to replace Vontaze, but tackle was also a huge gap we had to fill, and soon. Andy needs protection. He MUST stay healthy for us to succeed next season. Williams’s ceiling is a top left tackle and his floor is a solid guard. There were some sexy picks on the board still but Williams was the safe and smart pickup for us. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t understand football. Very excited to see this 6’4” 300lb+ young gun in the rotation.